IMG 2022Women-Church Convergence held their annual meeting in Washington DC in March 2024, in the offices of Catholics for Choice.

We were prayerfully called to gather, based on our mission: We come together as Women-Church Convergence, a coalition of autonomous Catholic-rooted groups, to honor our past, celebrate our accomplishments, and strategize for the future. We are working to build just social and ecclesial structures with shared power for everyone, especially women and those whom church and society marginalize.

Our mission continues: Women-Church Convergence amplifies diverse feminist, faith-filled voices. We create spaces in which all can live out their vision of full inclusion in church and society.

Our commitment to feminist ministries and our social justice values lead us to act boldly in the world for the benefit of all.

During our gathering we explored our connections as feminist Catholic-rooted organizations working for justice. We reflected on the years we have partnered, prayed and acted in collaboration. Many of our organizations have aged, and many are still actively doing vital work. We spent time exploring our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a SWOT Analysis. Challenges include an aging and shrinking church population, and strengths/opportunities include our passion, insight, boldness and most importantly the continued need for prophetic voices.

We will spend this upcoming year exploring how to support and sustain emerging feminist voices for justice.


  IMG 2033